Reeva got in the way of my bullets…

Good morning peoples!! Don’t know about you guys but I feel insulted. In fact, I feel highly insulted. Oscar Pistol-rius had a week (ONE WHOLE WEEK!!!) to come up with a story or explanation and between himself, his lawyer and his family and friends, this is the best they could come up with??!! It’s like the husband whose wife catches him in bed with his secretary. Wifey is devastated, she storms out of the house and goes to stay with her mother. After a week, she finally comes home and demands an explanation and despite having one week to come…

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Will the real ode please stand up?

Good morning people… I refused to say anything about Goldie’s death because I knew that my friends would see through the BS. While she was alive, during the BBA show, I was an unrepentant Goldie-basher. In the three months that she was there, the only positive thing I said about her was that the wall paper in her room was a nice colour. I didn’t even know who she was before she entered the house. Of all people, it was my MUM who told me about Goldie. I was irritated by everything from her propellers false lashes to the way…

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My Ogor…

I’ve been in hiding since I chopped off my hair. I still don’t know why I did it. I went out day before yesterday but I had to wear a wig. I couldn’t get into any physical fights or turn my head too quickly for fear that my wig would fall off. I decided to show you guys what I look like with no hair 🙁 I selected only the best out of 7658762497532987428349 pictures that I took. Please note that there are Rules And Regulations of Commenting: 1. Each person is allowed one ‘LOL’. 2. Close friends are allowed…

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Happy Valentine’s!!!

So it’s Val’s Day again… and you knew I was going to say something right? It’s the same message I preach every Val’s Day. If ex-bashing was a sport, I would have won many Olympic Gold medals by now. My family, my friends, my pastor, the lady who sells vegetables to me in the market, my pet cat, they all know every evil thing that every ex has ever done to me. I’m a walking Chronicle of all the horrible things that a guy can possibly do to a girl. It used to be so bad that I would bring…

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We need to talk…

Are you a young girl or woman looking for a way out of your relationship? Are you fed up with your boyfriend/lover/husband and you don’t love him like you used to? Is your inner hoe begging to be set free… free to hoe about? Or maybe you just miss being single? Well, you’ve come to the right place… At Ngor’s Solutionz, we take all the stress away by giving you unhealthy but effective relationship advice. Our methods may seem questionable, but we guarantee you fast results. Most of our surviving clients worldwide are currently enjoying their single status or better…

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