Shaaaaawers of blessing! Showers of blessing we need…

Good morning people. I sliced off four of my toes yesterday… ( ._.) Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit. What happened was, I was trying to get on a bus and I cut myself on the jagged rusty edge of the door. So, as we speak, there’s a bus somewhere with a piece of smooth velvety caramel skin dangling from the bottom of the door. Believe me when I say, it hurt like a MOTHA!!! Being a true aje-butter, I yelled “Ouch!”. But no one paid me any attention. The other passengers completely ignored me. So I sat quietly…

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Dubleew dubleew dot NSCDC dot cum…

Good morning people… How’ve you guys been? Last week was terribly busy… My friend came into town and I was the (self-appointed) chaperon. She had places to go and people to see so we were constantly on the move, going from one end of town to another. This friend of mine is a very close friend, but in reality, we don’t have very much in common. I met a lot of her friends and, as is always the case with us, I found that I didn’t have too much in common with her friends either. They weren’t all bad… some were nice…

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Those in favour say “Aye”… all those opposed say ‘Aye’ too. The ‘Ayes’ have it!!

Hey people… I didn’t put anything up here yesterday but it feels like I haven’t spoken to you in ages and I actually missed you guys. I can’t explain it but that’s how I felt… 🙁 I had a very nice weekend though cos a friend of mine came over on Sunday and we had pepper soup and talked about everything under the sun, then we looked at pictures of hot, half naked girls on girls on facebook ;-)… I had a really nice time cos I wasn’t expecting him. (Thanks sweetie!!!!) Anyway, apparently last week was all about the women… We…

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Dear Ngozi, I’m thinking of relocating to Mars…

Good morning people… This blog is a little over three months old and I just realized that nobody has written in yet. So you guys mean to tell me that out of all my Facebook friends, my Twitter people and the other people who stumble across here by mistake, not one single one of you has a problem you think I can help you with? There’s no one in a secret gay/lesbian relationship? Afraid to come out of the closet? None of you is having a scandalous affair with your sister-in-law? No STDs? Unwanted pregnancies? Nothing? Well, ok… since you’re…

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Tutorial 1: How to draw a portrait.

Hello people!!! In my CV, under ‘Hobbies’, one of the things I have listed is Art (drawing and painting). And usually, people are surprised to see that. They ask, “You draw?” and I say “Yes!” However, the truth is that, apart from my eye-pencil and eye-liner, I haven’t picked up any other pencil to draw something in quite some time… I’m talking in almost two years!! Does this mean I lied in my CV? So, I made up my mind to do some art work to see if I still remember how to rule a straight line. So I dug…

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